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Despre caracterul fragmentar al discursului oral......

Publication: Limba română, LVIII (2), Section Gramatică, p. 192-201
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The fragmentary character of the spoken discourse is well tolerated by the participants to a face to face conversation, because, usually, the unfinished utterances can be pragmatically interpreted, as they are implicitly ratified by the hearer’s lack of a monitoring reaction. Whereas some self-interruptions are simply caused by the “oral way of production” (mostly due to some repair strategies), others have less obvious explanations. As for the latter, the authors conclude that (a) some ellipses are activated by the speakers with the aim of reducing the imposition degree of a conversational act and (b) the orientation of a conversational sequence towards a dispreferred act represents a pragmatic context typically favoring self-interruptions.
Key words:
  • limba vorbită, enunţuri neterminate, autoîntrerupere, elipsă
  • spoken discourse, unfinished utterances, self-interruption, ellipsis
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

0Iulia Mihaela TămașAspecte ale dialogului ca formă de comunicare oralăBSLR, XXVII, 1652018pdf

References in this publication: 4

10Laurenția Dascălu-JingaPauzele și întreruperile în conversația românească actualăEditura Academiei2006
58Liliana Ionescu-RuxăndoiuLimbaj și comunicare
Elemente de pragmatică lingvistică
All Educational2003
2Laurenția Dascălu-JingaSome Notes on Appropriateness Repair in Spontaneous SpeechRRL, XLIII (5-6), 3431998
92Liliana Ionescu-RuxăndoiuConversaţia: structuri şi strategii
Sugestii pentru o pragmatică a românei vorbite
All1995; 1999

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