In this succinct presentation of the research activity developed, during a period of 50 years, by the Grammar Department of the Institute of Linguistics in Bucharest, we emphasize the fact that the most important scientific preoccupation of the members of the department was to elaborate some reference grammars, meant to serve as synthetic works of all the research activities done in the domain until their apparition. Other topics approached by the department, whose members changed in time, refer to the process of word formation in the Romanian language, as well as to some normative aspects egarding ortography and ortoepy. Presently, the researchers’ main interest is to study the dynamics of (spoken and standard) Romanian, as well as to underline the typological features the Romanian language displays.
Key words:
gramatică descriptivă a limbii române, formarea cuvintelor în limba română, ortografie şi ortoepie, dinamica limbii române, particularităţi tipologice ale limbii române
Romanian descriptive grammar, word-formation in Romanian, ortography and orthoepy, the dynamics of Romanian, typological features of Romanian
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Journal “Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frequency: 2 issues / year