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L’adaptation phono-morphologique des mots d’origine française dans la formation de la terminologie géographique roumaine

Publication: Diversité et identité culturelle en Europe, VI, p. 127
Publisher:Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române
Abstract:Romanian geographical terminology was enriched and perfected by finding the most generous vein, for the transfer of terms, in French, after some concepts were taken from Greek, Russian, Italian or German.
The route of access is sometimes oral and, more often, the writing one, hence the difficulty of the opposition between French etymology writing and Romanian phonetics.
Key words:geographical terminology, adaptation, dyachrony, synchrony, etymological development, phonetic adaptation
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

17Petre Gheorghe Bârlea, Roxana-Magdalena BârleaLexicul românesc de origine francezăBibliotheca2000
2Gheorghe BolocanEtimologia în Dicționarul toponimic al României (Oltenia)SCL, XXXV (3), 1841984
25George GiugleaCuvinte românești și romanice
Studii de istoria limbii, etimologie și toponimie
Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică1983
107N. A. UrsuFormarea terminologiei ştiinţifice româneştiEditura Științifică1962

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