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O strategie retorică de construcție a sinelui în Autobiografia protopopului Avvakum (Rusia secolului al XVII-lea): recursul la paradigma „nebunului între Hristos”

Publication: Text şi discurs religios, I, Section Retorica discursului religios, p. 353-363
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:The Archpriest (Protopop) Avvakum (Petrov, 1620-1682) is an important character in Russian culture. Sanctified by the Orthodox Old Rite Church (Old Believers) for his life-long support of traditional Muscovite values during the Schism in the Russian Orthodox Church, Avvakum wrote, among other important pieces, what is considered to be the first autobiography in Russian culture, Zhitie (1671-1672/3). Within the conventions of hagiography this polemic work, innovative in language and style, resorts to the paradigm of holy foolishness to defend the idea of divine Wisdom as opposed to the new Nikonian (patriarch Nikon, 1602-1681) wisdom.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

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