Title: | Grammatical Values of the Verb a sta ‘stay’ in Romanian. A Comparative Romance Perspective |
Authors: | Adnana Boioc Apintei, Adina Dragomirescu |
Publication: | Revue roumaine de linguistique, LXVI (1), p. 37-48 |
p-ISSN: | 0035-3957 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | București |
Year: | 2021 |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 6
3 | Blanca Croitor | Un tip special de coordonare | Dindelegan, 149 | 2017 | |
52 | Adam Ledgeway |
| Oxford University Press; Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold | 2012; 2017 | |
3 | Adina Dragomirescu | De la mișcare și localizare la aspect. Câteva situații de gramaticalizare | Ipostaze, I, 95 | 2011 | |
30 | Adam Ledgeway | Grammatica diacronica del napoletano (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, Band 350) | Max Niemeyer Verlag | 2009 | html |
33 | Bernd Heine, Tania Kuteva | World Lexicon of Grammaticalization | Cambridge University Press | 2002 | |
196 | Viorica Pamfil (ed.) | Palia de la Orăştie (1581-1582) Text, facsimile, indice | Editura Academiei | 1968 |
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