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Cartes linguistiques motivationnelles. De l’ALE à l’ALiR et aux atlas linguistiques nationaux

Publication: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LIII (1-2), p. 79-85
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:Motivational maps concern the dynamics of language, revealing thus a less known or less studied aspect, the motivation of the linguistic sign. This is a permanent process since the speakers “remotivate” the linguistic sign when the rapport between this and the extralinguistic reality (the referent) becomes opaque, not transparent.
Elaborated, up to the present moment, at a European and Romance level, motivational linguistic maps can also be realized at a national level. In our contribution, we present, for the first time, such a map regarding the Romanian language, realized on the basis of the Romanian Linguistic Atlas. A Synthesis. The contribution presents the words designating “SKULL” in the Dacian-Romanian dialect. At the same time, our contribution reveals the dynamic perspective on language, i.e., the motivational linguistic “strata”, an aspect that has not been discussed until now in the Romanian studies on linguistic geography.
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 6

References in this publication: 4

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