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Semantic Configuration of the Spatial Concept “Behind” in English

Publication: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 10, p. 204
Publisher:Universitatea Petru Maior
Place:Târgu Mureș
  • The paper shows the proposal of semantic structure for the English preposition behind, on the grounds of a semantic model based on three meaning dimensions of the spatial relationship, namely, topology, force-dynamics, and function. The proposal derives from data analysis on 1000 examples drawn from the BNC. The examples were analysed manually, and the senses were worked out taking different contextual parameters into account. The resultant semantic structure shows a core set of meanings and a peripheral set of extended meanings.
  • Lucrarea analizează structura semantică a prepoziţiei engleze „după”, pe modelul semantic structurat pe trei dimensiuni de sens a relaţiei spaţiale, anume topologia, forţa-dinamica şi funcţia. Studiul are la bază analiza a 1000 de exemple provenite din BNC. Exemplele au fost operate manual, iar sensurile au fost deduse prin luarea în considerare a diferiţilor parametri contextuali. Structura semantică rezultată se constituie dintr-un set de sensuri de adâncime precum şi dintr-un set de sensuri extinse.
Key words:semantic structure, idiomatic structure, polysemy, landmark, pattern
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 0

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