Abstract: | - Focused on the generation of isotopic process throuought the essay discourse, the present approach is structured on reading units differentiated by allotopy or isotopic break, a phenomenon oriented towards the critic reception based on the conceptual configuration expressed in the act of reading by the textual meaning. By pointing out the structuring conditions of isotopy, we have argued for poli-isotopy as a form of plural reading. The units of the text may generate isotopies engaged in the configuration of complete isotopic reading levels, followed by the re-reading produced by the allotropy at the end of the message.
Stanescu’s essayistic discourse is produced on the basis of a rhetoric polysemy, a situation that confirms the definition of (meta)poetic language characterized through polysemantic tendency to infinity of meanings and an ambiguity of poetic meaning. In addition to procedures like deviation and the compression of meaning, we have focused on the mechanisms that are specific to the poetic meta-language (as manifested in the essay discourse), such as: the unusualness (Svlovski), ambiguity (Empson), intertextuallity (Kristeva, Barthes, Zumthor, Riffaterre, Culler), deconstruction. For instance, for J. Culler, intertextuality operates as a theory of the conditions of meaning, by an interference of codes, which is a principle we have also employed throughout our research on Stanescu’s essays. - Centrată pe generaţiile de procese izotopice din cadrul discursului eseistic, prezenta abordare e structurată pe unităţi de lectură diferenţiate prin pauze alotopice sau izotopice, fenomene orientate spre o receptare critică bazată pe structurarea conceptuală a condiţiei izotopiei in actul lecturii. Evidenţiind condiţiile structurante ale izotopiei, am pledat pentru definirea poli-izotopiei ca formă de lectură plurală. Unităţile textului pot genera izotopii angajate în sensuri de lectură complete urmate de relectura produsă de alotropii. Discursului eseistic stănescian este produs pe baza polisemiei retorice, o situaţie ce confirmă definiţia limbajului (meta)poetic caracterizat prin tendinţa polisemică spre o infinitate de sensuri şi o ambiguizare a sensului poetic. Pe lângă procedee ca devierea şi comprimarea sensului, ne-am concentrat asupra mecanismelor specifice metalimbajului poetic (în manifestarea lor din discursul eseistic), precum: stranietatea (Svlovski), ambiguitatea (Empson), intertextualitatea (Kristeva, Barthes, Zumthor, Riffaterre, Culler), deconstrucţia. De plidă, în cazul J. Culler intertextualitatea operează ca teorie a producerii de sens, ca interferenţă de coduri, principii abordate în ercetarea noastră asupra eseurilor stănesciene.