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Dimensiunea gnostic-dualistă şi interferenţa ei cu Absolutul (Unio Oppositorium) la Eminescu

Publication: Text şi discurs religios, VIII, Section Literatura și sacrul, p. 193-204
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:A number of writers and literary critics (Lucian Blaga, Nicolae Balotă, Ioan Petru Culianu, Alain Guillermou, Rosa Del Conte, Lucia Cifor, Carmen Negulei, Rodica Marian, Nicoleta Popa Blanariu) have written about the impact that gnostic philosophy/religion and old dualist Romanian beliefs had on Eminescu’s work. My own earlier work on the subject focused on indicating the semantic and exegetic consequences of the orthodox form of gnosis – which Lucian Blaga called the stylistic-sophianic dimension – in the complete text of Luceafărului. The most obvious consequence of this textual analysis is the process of „luceferire” of Cătălin and Cătălina, on whom transcendence descends. The present article is mainly focused on the ambivalence Luceafărul-Hyperion, on Hyperion’s evolution towards the revelation of his condition as of the same essence with that of the increated divinity.
Key words:lumen naturae, noumenon, pleroma, dualism, gnosticism, Demiurge, romantic absolute, aeon, pre-existent and hidden Father
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 1

21Tudor PamfileMitologia poporului român
2 vol.
Vestala2006; 2008

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