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Relations actancielles, généricité et engagement énonciatif: le pronom indéfini on et ses correspondants roumains

Publication: Studii de lingvistică, 1, p. 29-44
Hommages à Maria Ţenchea
Publisher:Facultatea de Litere din Oradea
Abstract:The French pronoun on, stemming from the Latin noun homo, is considered to be indefinite, as it refers to an unspecified human agent; it can only function as subject.
Romanian speakers have difficulties in translating it or in employing it in oral or written discourse, since Romanian doesn’t have a similar pronoun. Moreover, a subject pronoun is not compulsory in Romanian, since the agent of the verb can be identified by the verbal ending, as in Latin.
A comparative approach has enabled us to make a list of Romanian structures that are equivalent to the French structures with on. Our aim is to explain the different types of equivalence existing between the French indefinite pronoun on and its Romanian correspondents. In order to do so it is necessary to define the syntactic and the semantic characteristics of the contextual classes that are specific to the indefinite pronoun on, the actantial configuration of the French structures with on and of their Romanian equivalents as well as the degree of enunciative engagement or non-engagement of the agent, expressed in French by on. The enunciative engagement depends mostly on the type of discourse and on the intentions of the enunciator.
Key words:types of pronominal reference, actantial verbal scheme, degree of enunciative engagement, types of discourse
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 2

67Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (coord.)Gramatica de bază a limbii româneUnivers Enciclopedic Gold2010; 2016
273Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu, Cristina Călărașu, Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela Mancaș, Gabriela Pană DindeleganDicționar de științe ale limbiiEditura Nemira2001; 2005

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