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Cercetarea lexicografică academică actuală: tradiţie şi modernitate

Publication: Anuar de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară, LV, p. 7
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:[Contemporary academic lexicographical research: tradition and modernity]
The paper presents a short history of academic researches within The Department of Lexicology and Lexicography from the “A. Philippide” Institute of Romanian Philology, Romanian Academy, Iaşi Branch, the linguistic and lexicographical principles concerning the bringing up to date of the first volumes of DLR. Romanian Language Dictionary (1st ed. 1913–2010), work in progress in Romanian institutes involved in the accomplishment of DLR, arguing the need to comply with the current editing rules of these outstanding lexicographical works. The argumentation is founded on the principles of the linguistic epistemology, in terms of the integral linguistics defined by Eugeniu Coşeriu. These principles can be identified in our strategy for the digitization process of the Romanian lexicographical research. The achievements in specific projects developed in our department are also described in detail in the second part of the paper.
Key words:linguistic and lexicographical principles, the history of the Romanian Language Dictionary, digitization process phases, tradition and innovation, linked data
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 7

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3Elena Dănilă, Marius-Radu Clim, Ana-Veronica Catană-SpenchiuTowards a Romanian Lexicographic CorpusPhil. Jass., VII (2), 191-1972011pdf
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8Éva Buchi, Wolfgang Schweickard (ed.)DÉRom
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12Gabriela Haja, Elena Dănilă, Corina Forăsc, Bogdan-Mihai AldeaDicționarul limbii române (DLR) în format electronic
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214Hariton TiktinRumänisch-deutsches WörterbuchImprimeria Statului; Otto Harrassowitz1903-1925; 1985-1988, 2001-2005

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