Title: | Numele de plante. O abordare lingvistică |
Author: | Imola Katalin Nagy |
Publication: | The Proceedings of the “European Integration - Between Tradition and Modernity” Congress, 5, p. 467-478 |
p-ISSN: | 1844-2048 |
Publisher: | Editura Universităţii „Petru Maior” |
Place: | Tîrgu-Mureş |
Year: | 2013 |
Abstract: | [Plant Names. A Linguistic Approach] This paper deals with the isssue of botanical nomenclature in an interdisciplinary approach that combines linguistic and horticultural aspects. We aim to present some of the most important facets of plant names, their historical evolution, their spelling and translation matters from/to Hungarian, Romanian and English. |
Key words: | plant names, taxonomy, binomen, translation and spelling |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 2
0 | Imola Katalin Nagy | Apple Varietal Names as Culturemes: Translation Issues in Scientific Textual Environments | Acta Sap., 12 (3), 172-187 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Sandu Pîrvulescu | Scientific vs. popular in forest terminology: fir tree, spruce tree, pine tree | SCOL, XI (1-2), 249-256 | 2018 | pdf html |
References in this publication: 2
2 | Aurelia Bălan-Mihailovici | Despre traducerea numelor de plante în limba română | DR, s.n., XVI (2), 177 | 2011 | pdf html |
9 | Ioan Milică | Modele naive și modele savante în reprezentarea lingvistică a realității: denumirile de plante | LRM, XX (11-12), 77-87 | 2010 |
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