Title: | The cartography of Syntactic Structures |
Authors: | Guglielmo Cinque, Luigi Rizzi |
Publication: | Studies in linguistics, 2, p. 43 |
p-ISSN: | 2281-3128 |
Publisher: | Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Cognitivi sul Linguaggio |
Place: | Siena |
Year: | 2008 |
Links: |
Citations to this publication: 2
1 | Giuliana Giusti | Free not-so-free adjectival order in Latin | BWPL, XXI (2), 5-40 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Oana Săvescu Ciucivara | A Cartographic Approach to Clitic Clusters in Romanian | RRL, LVI (2), 97-114 | 2011 | pdf html |
References in this publication: 2
33 | Bernd Heine, Tania Kuteva | World Lexicon of Grammaticalization | Cambridge University Press | 2002 | |
36 | Noam Chomsky | Syntactic Structures | Mouton & Co.; Mouton de Gruyter | 1957, 1963, 1972; 2002 |
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