Title: | Gravurile în metal din cartea lui I. H. Kampe, Descoperirea Americii, Buda, 1816 |
Author: | Anca Elisabeta Tatay |
Publication: | Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie, X, Section Carte veche |
p-ISSN: | 1583-4468 |
Publisher: | Biblioteca Județeană Mureș |
Place: | Tîrgu-Mureș |
Year: | 2011 |
Abstract: | [The Puncheon Prints in I. H. Kampe’s Book „Descoperirea Americii”, Buda, 1816] Among the old Romanian books printed in Buda a special place is held by the geography ones such as The Discovery of America. Volume I, by Ioan Hainrih Kampe, was translated into Romanian by Nicola Nicolau, who also covered the publication expenses. The book includes 4 copper engravings (related to its contents) distinctive as regards the theme, of Romantic type: Columbus’s Arrival at America’s Coast; Columbus’s Departure from Spain (signed A. Geiger del. et sculp.); The Terrible Storm at Sea; Columbus’s Arrival at the Beautiful Coast of America (signed Prixner sc.). The present article is intended to examine the four illustrations. We shall also try to demonstrate that the two unsigned engravings belong to Geiger, too. |
Key words: | engraving, University Typography of Buda, old Romanian books, Columbus, the Discovery of America |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 1
References in this publication: 2
2 | Anca Elisabeta Tatay | Gravura Roata Vieţii din Calendarul pe 100 de ani de la Buda, din 1814 | Libraria, VIII | 2009 | pdf html |
87 | Ioan Bianu, Nerva Hodoș, Dan Simionescu | Bibliografia românească veche (BRV) I. 1508–1716; II. 1716–1808; III. 1809–1830; IV. Adăogiri și îndreptări | Atelierele Grafice „Socec & Co.”; Tipo Moldova | 1903, 1910, 1912–1936, 1944; 2012 |
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