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„Armonia” melancoliei blagiene: semantica profundă și o analiză semantic-textuală

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XI-XII, p. 251-261
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:This essay provides an introductory analysis of the concept of melancholy, paying particular attention to the ambiguity and duality contained in this poetic state, which does not necessarily connote sadness, disillusionment, and nostalgia.
From our point of view, the option for the deep semantic content of melancholy, which cannot be reduced to the dull lament over the ending of human destiny nor to the sorrows of loneliness, implies the state of grace of a grave but serene meditation. Examples from Blaga’s poetry illustrating this sweet melancholy can be found in the following texts: O toamnă va veni, Mi-aştept amurgul, Melancolie.
An in-depth semantic analysis of Blaga’s melancholy will reveal the same sacred serenity which Blaga himself had noticed in Eminescu’s Peste vârfuri, a lyrical gem usually read as an elegy. More importantly, this analysis also reveals what Blaga used to call the dominant poetic mood in Peste vârfuri; that is, a certain royal dignity capable, in my opinion (and given the greatness of the immense world grafted on the poet’s being), of going beyond melancholy towards serenity.
Language: Romanian

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