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Apuleius, Metamorfoze. Elemente de narativitate

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XVIII (2), p. 138-147
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:Whereas ancient novel was considered a secular expression of mystery legends, Metamorphoses is an artistic, allegoric not ritual construct, where imagination fed by the experience of the divine is one of its premises. Apuleius’ novel is a literary system whose idea originates not in local folklore, but in its author’s philosophic beliefs who demonstrates speculative and literary dexterity with reference to eclectic Platonism. Metamorphoses are a so called novel as regards the rezistance to the attempts to situate it within the frame of late ancient narrative, whose primary structure is of a comic type. On the contrary, it is to be considered a mimetic elaboration of the picaresque novel abondant in erotico-comical inserts. Though it was said to be an Entwicklungsroman, its unity is not dued to a systematic construction, but to the antithetic relation between Lucius’ initiations in magic of the IIIrd Book and those depicted in the XIth Book.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 0

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