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Die Verwendungen der visuellen und audio-visuellen Materialien bei der Fremdsprachenlehre

Publication: Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Secțiunea IIIe. Lingvistică, LVII, Section Didactică, p. 165-178
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:A questionnaire including 5 open- ended questions had been used and data had been analysed qualitatively to identify the views of secondary school and high school teachers in Çukurova ,Adana about the usage of visual and audio-visual materials in foreign language lessons.The analysis of data show that teachers use visual and audio-visual materials in foreign language lessons especially to increase communication skills , computer is more useful than the other materials , students’ motivation increases with the usage of these materials in the lessons. But despite all these factors , it is detected that there are some problems in using these equipments.
Key words:Teaching Foreign Language, Visual and Audio-Visual Materials
Language: German

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