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Puncte de rezistenţă şi false atuuri în tentativa lui G. Ivănescu de aducere a lingvisticii în acord cu logica şi stilistica

Publication: Anuar de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară, LIII, p. 143
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:[Strong and less than strong points in G. Ivănescu’s attempt to relate linguistics to logic and stylistics] In his reform of linguistic syntax, G. Ivănescu’s works with determineds (names, respectively predicative verbs) and determinants (namely nouns, pronouns, and numerals as attributes, respectively complements and predicative names). The idea that the secondary sentence is a compound name to complement the predicate in the main sentence is highly adequate, but, if he really meant to go all the way, the author should have considered in detail the mechanisms of determination. Noam Chomsky was to do it ten years later in his celebrated Syntactic Structures, that inaugurates the synthetic structuralism (as generativism) in category-type grammar.
Key words:syntax, logical syntax, categorial grammar, linguistics, semiology
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 0

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