Diacronia 13, June 13, 2021, art. A179 (p. 1–8)

Hyperbaton in Obsequens’s Prodigiorum liber

Claudia Tărnăuceanu


Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Bd. Carol I 11, 700506 Iași, Romania


Received April 1, 2021
Accepted April 23, 2021
Published August 18, 2021

Key words

text analysis


The book known as Prodigiorum liber, an inventory of extraordinary phenomena that were thought to foretell important events, written at the end of the fourth century by Obsequens, can be classified as a “specialized” text, with a particular language (sermo prodigialis) and a specific style. Given the “technical” nature of such a writing, where the emphasis lies on conciseness and clarity, it is expected that the occurrence of a topical figure such as the hyperbaton will not be very common. The purpose of this study is to analyze way of achievement and the role of this figure in Prodigiorum liber. Following the examination, it is observed that the hyperbaton, present in a large enough number of examples, appears mainly as a pragmatic means of highlighting, its use as a stylistic ornament, with various expressive valences, being very restricted.


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    Text:Tărnăuceanu, C. (2021). Hyperbaton in Obsequens’s Prodigiorum liber, Diacronia 13 (August 18), A179 (1–8),
     author = {Claudia Tărnăuceanu},
     title = {Hyperbaton in Obsequens’s Prodigiorum liber},
     journal = {Diacronia},
     ISSN = {2393-1140},
     year = {2021},
     month = {August},
     number = {13},
     eid = {A179},
     doi = {},
     pages = "(1–8)",
     url = {}


© 2021 The Authors. Publishing rights belong to the Journal. The article is freely accessible under the terms and conditions of the CC-BY Open Access licence.

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