Valentin Dragoș Biro
Biro E. Valentin Dragoș, Ph.D. student of the Ph.D. School of Philological Studies of the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, graduate of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Faculty of Letters, Romanian-Latin Specialization; 1st didactic degree professor (Romanian Language and Literature, Latin Language and Literature) of the "Spiru Haret" Pedagogical College from Buzău; headmaster of the "Nicolae Titulescu" Primary and Secondary School from Buzău; coauthor of „Concepts of criminal law and juvenile rights in the Romanian legal system”, Editura Academica, 2010, ISBN 978 – 606 – 92448-0-7; literary adviser of „Legends about the treasures of the Buzău County”, Editura Renașterea Culturală, 2015, ISBN 978-973-8651-011-4; literary adviser of „Haiducul Nachită – the story and the ballad”, Editura Renașterea Culturală, 2015, ISBN 978-973-865-011-5; author of „Culture, Reading, Education or a Cultural Butterfly-Effect”, in Collection of scientific papers, Ed. CCD I. Gh. Dumitrașcu Buzău, 2016; ISBN 978-606-8071-46-6; author of „Educational communication between theory and practice”, Editura Editgraph, 2017, ISBN 978-606-663-579-0; author of „The scientific approach and the syncretism of the sciences in the knowledge of reality”, Uluslararasi Multidisipliner Konferans Inavasyon, Yaraticilik ve Yonetim, Egitimde One Cikanlar, in „Procedia of International Multidisciplinary Conference ICM 2018 – Innovation, Creativity and Management in the 21th century. Perspectives in education”, Academia Publishing, AEPEEC, 2018, UK ISBN & SAN Agencies Nielsen 978-1-9998738-7-5; author of other reviews and numerous articles published in ISSN coded journals.
Articles published in “Diacronia”
ArticleDiacronia 9, May 7, 2019, A134
Dynamics in language