Alexandru Nicolae

Alexandru Nicolae is a researcher at “Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics, Bucharest, and a lecturer in linguistics at the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest. PhD dissertation (2013): 'Types of Ellipsis in Romanian', University of Bucharest (& University of Cambridge, cotutelle). His research interests include: minimalist syntax, diachronic linguistics, Romance linguistics, and the syntax of Romanian, and he is currently working on nominal structures, verb movement, configurationality and word order change. He wrote a book on word order and diachronic change (Ordinea constituenților în limba română. O perspectivă diacronică, 2015),  he co-authored the latest academic grammars of Romanian (Gramatica de bază a limbii române, ed. Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, 2010; The Grammar of Romanian, Oxford University Press, ed. Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, 2013) and the 2016 Oxford Syntax of Old Romanian, and he contributed chapters to international handbooks (the 2016 Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages, ed. Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden). Visiting PhD Student (2012), Visiting Researcher (2015) at the University of Cambridge, Fulbright Senior Scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2016).

Articles published in “Diacronia”

ArticleDiacronia 4, August 1, 2016, A54
On the origin of inflected “non-finite” forms: the infinitive vs the supine

Other publications

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