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Există o graniţă prozodică a graiurilor ardeleneşti?

Publication: Lucrările celui de-al XIV-lea Simpozion Internațional de Dialectologie, p. 410
Editors:Nicolae Mocanu, Dumitru Loșonți, Eugen Beltechi
Publisher:Argonaut, Scriptor
Abstract:The idioms spoken in Transylvania region are different from another Dacoromanian idioms through some specific intonational patterns. In this paper, the author aims to demonstrate that there is a prosodic boundry between the transylvanian dialects and the neighbouring dialects through a research of intonation of two villages situated on both sides of the Oriental Carpathians: Muresenii Bargaului (Bistrita-Nasaud county) and Praleni (Suceava county). The difference between the two idioms is evident in concerning the melodic character of the total interrogative utterances, especially those ending in stressed syllable: the descending intonation preceded by a rise of the tone in SV at MB vs. the ascending intonation in the speech of Praleni. In addition to that opposition, in the case of the total interrogative utterances with a nonoxytonic terminal, both idioms have developed a common pattern: the terminal circumflex intrasyllabic stress – which can be explained by the position of the two idioms at the boundry of two prosodic areas.
Key words:
  • limite intonaţionale dintre dialecte, dezvoltări convergente la limita a două arii prozodice
  • intonational borders between dialects, converging developments at the boundry of two prosodic areas
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

3Adrian TurculețAtlasul multimedia prozodic român (AMPRom)FD, XXXII, 1572013pdf

References in this publication: 8

6Adrian TurculețUn nou atlas lingvistic romanic: AMPERSCL, LVIII (1), 203-2132007html
16Luminița BotoșineanuGraiul de pe valea superioară a Someșului MareAlfa2007
2Adrian TurculețEmfaza interogativelor totale afirmativeAUI, LI, 417-4352005pdf
39Vasile Arvinte, Stelian Dumistrăcel, I. Florea, Ion Nuță, Adrian TurculețNoul Atlas lingvistic român, pe regiuni. Moldova şi Bucovina
I. Hărţi şi material necartografiat
Editura Academiei1987
5Laurenția DascăluO intonație sud-carpatică în Țara OltuluiSCL, XXXVII (1), 241986
1Laurenția DascăluAsupra intonației graiurilor din BihorSCL, XXXVII (3), 2211986
210Valeriu Rusu (coord.)Tratat de dialectologie româneascăEditura Scrisul Românesc1984
5Laurenția DascăluObservații asupra intonației graiului din MaramureșFD, IX, 771975

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