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Proprietăţi sintactice ale adjectivului tot în limba română veche

Publication: Înspre şi dinspre Cluj : contribuţii lingvistice : omagiu profesorului G. G. Neamţu la 70 de ani, p. 595-603
Editors:Ionuț Pomian, Nicolae Mocanu
Abstract:[Syntactic features of adjective tot in old Romanian]
Romanian contrasts with other Romance languages in that the definite article is present in the structure of the type TŌTUS ĬLLE HŎMO (sg./pl.). In old Romanian, tot may combine with articleless nouns. This paper presents the syntactic features of the quantifier tot, touching upon the following problems: the Latin origin of the pattern TŌTUS HŎMO (sg./pl.) and its evolution in Romanian.
Key words:
  • grup nominal, cuantificator, articol definit
  • noun phrase, quantifier, definite article
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 15

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52Adam Ledgeway
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