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Sistemele consonantice ale unor graiuri ucrainene din Maramureş

Publication: Înspre şi dinspre Cluj : contribuţii lingvistice : omagiu profesorului G. G. Neamţu la 70 de ani, p. 345-357
Editors:Ionuț Pomian, Nicolae Mocanu
Abstract:[The consonantal systems of some Ukrainian subdialects of Maramureş]
As a result of the monographic research on some Ukrainian subdialects spoken in various places in Maramures, I have realized that, although these subdialects belong to the same dialectal group, they show, besides common features, some phonetic, grammatical and lexical characteristics that individualize them.
The fact that at phonological level one can notice a different pronunciation of some sounds is well-known and admitted by most dialectologists. Thus, as a result of a research on the consonantal system of the subdialects of Rona de Sus, Craciunesti and Lunca la Tisa I have taken notice of both common features (because of these features the mentioned subdialects belong to trans-Carpathian Ukrainian subdialects, but differ from the other subdialects of the south-western dialect and literary Ukrainian) and some individual phonetic phenomena (which differentiate them).
The features these subdialects have in common are more numerous than the features that differentiate them. Here we mention some common features: the emergence of epenthetic [n] after the bilabial consonant [m]; the pronunciation of [v] as non-syllabic [u] ([ŭ]) or as bilabial [v] ([w]); the change of the consonant [v] into the vowel [u]; the presence of prothetic [v] before vowels; the emergence of labial-fricative [f] in the place of [chv], [kv] (especially in borrowings); the hard pronunciation of dental [t] in various verbal inflexions; the shift of [t] (placed before [i], as the result of strong palatalization) to [k]; the affricate consonant [c] (in noun suffix -ec’) is de-palatalized (as compared to [c’] in literary language).
The features that differentiate the three subdialects (or, to be more specific, the subdialects of Craciunesti and Lunca la Tisa in comparison with the subdialect of Rona de Sus) are less numerous: the fricative palatal consonants [s’] and [z’], characteristic of literary language, has a hard pronunciation in the subdialect of Rona de Sus, while in the subdialects of Craciunesti and Lunca la Tisa it has a soft pronunciation (in the subdialect of Lunca la Tisa one can notice an emphasised palatalization of the consonants [s’’] and [z’’]; this complete palatalization is no so frequent in the subdialect of Craciunesti); the affricate consonant [c] (in the adjective suffix, -c’k-) has a hard pronunciation, especially in the subdialect of Rona de Sus, while in the subdialect of Craciunesti and Lunca la Tisa, as well as in literary language, one can notice the use of palatal [c’]; the liquid consonant [l] has different pronunciations in the three subdialects, both hard and soft (in the subdialect of Craciunesti and Lunca la Tisa palatal [l’] is used before [i], while in the subdialect of Rona de Sus [l] has a hard pronunciation); the consonant [r] has a hard pronunciation, both at the end of the word and inside it, when it is placed before [‘a], in the subdialect of Craciunesti and Lunca la Tisa, while in the subdialect of Rona de Sus, as well as in literary language, one can notice the use of [r’]; the loss of old [j] at the beginning of words is peculiar to the subdialect of Rona de Sus.
All these may help dialectologists to complete the picture of the features peculiar to Ukrainian subdialects spoken in Romania.
Key words:
  • dialectologie, subdialecte ucrainene din România, subdialecte transcarpatice, subdialecte huţule, subdialectele ucrainene din Rona de Sus, Crăciuneşti, Lunca la Tisa, trăsături fonetice, consonantism, corelaţia de timbru, corelaţie de sonoritate
  • dialectology, Ukrainian subdialects of Romania, trans-Carpathian subdialects, ‘huţul’ subdialects, the Ukrainian subdialects of Rona de Sus, Crăciuneşti, Lunca la Tisa, phonetic features, consonantism, the timbre correlation, the sonority correlation
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 1

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