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Aspecte pragmatice şi sociolingvistice în ancheta dialectală

Publication: Lucrările celui de-al șaselea Simpozion Internațional de Lingvistică, București, 29-30 mai 2015, Section Pragmatică și stilistică, p. 747-754
Editors:Maria Stanciu Istrate, Daniela Răuțu
Publisher:Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold
Abstract:[Pragmatical and sociolinguistic aspects of dialectal inquiry]
The research regarding pragmatical aspects of the dialectal inquiry that was carried out so far is not exhaustive, but it offers essential information about the verbal interaction between the interrogator and the informer. We consider a more detailed analysis from the perspective of the features of the interrogator’s language to be important and necessary because this type of analysis is characterised by novelty in approaching this type of communication within the professional group and it can reveal new pragmatical and sociolinguistic aspects of the dialectal inquiry.
The linguistic and behavioral strategies of the interrogator highlight those features of the interrogator’s language that offer it a special position among other types of professional language. The interrogator’s strategies are subsumed to the purpose of the dialectal inquiry: that of obtaining linguistic material. The most important strategy of the interrogator in the dialectal inquiry is that of adapting to the interlocutor.
Key words:dialectal inquiry, communication strategies, verbal interaction, idiomatic variety
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 3

45Stelian Dumistrăcel, Doina Hreapcă, Ion-Horia BîrleanuAncheta dialectală ca formă de comunicareEditura Academiei1997
3Ileana VântuStrategia întrebare – răspuns într-o anchetă dialectalăFD, X, 1151991
22Boris CazacuStudii de dialectologie românăEditura Științifică1966

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