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Despărțirea la capăt de rând: „după pronunțare” sau/și „după structură”?

Publication: Magistri et alumni, amore scribendi. Studia. In Honorem Professoris Nicolae Felecan, Section Ortografie. Gramatică, p. 169-186
Editors:Oliviu Felecan, Daiana Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Abstract:[Word division at the end of a line: Governed by pronunciation or/and by structure?]
In this paper the author studies the issue of dividing words at the end of a line from the perspective of the authors of a text, not from the one of rule makers. The approach of the two different types of subjects can sometimes lead to different results, which need to be confronted in order to point out specific problems requiring proper solutions. The words offered as examples are taken from the E and L corpus of DOOM2.
Key words:analysable, compound, prefix, semianalysable, unanalysable
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 1

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