Title: | Sprechende Namen in deutschen und rumänischen Märchen |
Author: | Daniela-Elena Vladu |
Publication: | Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a II-a: Onomastica din spațiul public actual, p. 957 |
ISBN: | 978-606-543-343-4 |
Editors: | Oliviu Felecan |
Publisher: | Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut |
Place: | Cluj-Napoca |
Year: | 2013 |
Abstract: | [Aptronyms (charactonyms) in German and Romanian children’s stories] There are many lexical possibilities to discover new words or phrases, or transcribe things for which we do not know the right word. Nonce words are creative inventions that human individuals use in order to fill a lexical gap, i.e. to name a denotation for which there is still no name. In certain types of texts, as in tales or stories, nonce words such as aptronyms (charactonyms) are often found. They are introduced as a means of language economy meant to create effects related to the comic, irony, clarity, vividness or expressiveness in speech. A series of aptronyms (charactonyms) in German and Romanian children’s stories are analyzed in the present article, regarding their constituent structure, the manner of word formation and lexicalization potential. |
Key words: | aptronyms (charactonyms), children’s stories, language economy, expressiveness |
Language: | German |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 1
0 | Veronica Oneț | Proper names in foreign fairy-tales in translation. A lexical-grammatical, psycho and sociolinguistics approach | LDMD, 4, 245-257 | 2016 | pdf html |
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