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Limba perfectă în două ipostaze: limbaj trans-rațional (Velimir Hlebnikov) și limba poezească (Nichita Stănescu)

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, VI (1), p. 195-203
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:Starting from the idea that the perfect language temptation is common for many writers, this article presents two poets, Velimir Khlebnikov and Nichita Stanescu, which have conceptualized the perfect language as a “transrational language”, respectively “poetical language”. The transrational language is based on the belief in the pure word or the word itself, situated in opposition to the everyday word. It is obtained through the verbal creation method, which implies several variants: decomposing the word and immediately recomposing it, joining two or more roots to get composed words, inserting suffixes, prefixes and groups of sounds in an uncommon manner, into the root of the word. Nichita Stanescu, at his turn, pledges his faith in the pure, originary word, which he calls “unword”, accessible only through poetry. The poetical language is characterized by the verbal creation method, as in the case of Khlebnikov’s transrational language. Nichita Stanescu especially excels in unpredictable word groups. By their magic and poetic nature, both the transrational and the poetical language prove themselves to be worthy of the world mystery revelation.
Key words:perfect language, transrational language, poetical language, verbal creation, pure word, unword
Language: Romanian

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