Title: | Analiza structurilor comparative din sistemele lingvistice ale poeziei lui George Coşbuc |
Author: | Radu Drăgulescu |
Publication: | Philologica Jassyensia, X (1 supl.), p. 217-228 |
p-ISSN: | 1841-5377 |
e-ISSN: | 2247-8353 |
Publisher: | Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide” |
Place: | Iaşi |
Year: | 2014 |
Abstract: | [The Analysis of Comparative Structures in the Language Systems from George Cosbuc’s Poetry] The artistic language updates the highest number of language virtualities, in order to create, on the highest level, a secondary semantics, a “semic superfunction”, in syntagmatic and transfrastic text connection. The fact of style cannot be assessed by analysing a single isolated element, a simple paradigmatic selection. Writer’s personal intervention is observed by noting combinations, making him, as Paul Valéry said, a creator of language. Literature depends on how the writers are performing the selections and combining the linguistic material contained in language. Literature is, nevertheless, a variety of language. E. Coșeriu promotes the theory that human language is a specific way to make contact with the world and to comprehend the reality, the reality that the individual classifies, explains and expresses through symbols. They are therefore forms with knowledge as a content. Also, the facts of creation are perceived when they were established as language (repeated activity). According to Coșeriu’s theory, knowledge of language is often metaphorical knowledge, in images. Paradoxically, the expressiveness of some terms reaches increased values at those who know the system less. Although there is a general sense of the metaphorical value of a sign, it does not always coincide with the historical reality. The linguistic activity itself is always creative. Our paper seeks to be a systematic research regarding aspects of comparison, as it appears in the poetry of one of the most known Romanian writers. In his work, Coșbuc usually resorts to the folklore pattern of comparison constructions, but sometimes he creates much appreciated original word-combinations. Our study looks at how the poet creates artistic images, artworks by comparisons. We pursue this trope according to different criteria, covering its evolution according to the different levels of language and transformations by the different planes that it holds. |
Key words: | Coșbuc, comparison’s structures, stylistics, linguistics, literature as a variety of language |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 1
30 | Gheorghe Dragomirescu | Dicționarul figurilor de stil Terminologia fundamentală a analizei textului poetic | Editura Științifică | 1995 |
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