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Aspecte verbale în morfosintaxa textului politic

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, X (1 supl.), p. 35-40
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:[Verbal Aspects in the Morpho-Syntax of the Political Text] As a fundamental domain that studies the relationships between sign and sign and the specific patterns of contextualization of these signs, syntax reflects, from the perspective of textual grammar, the level of cohesion. Apart from the intra- and inter-sentential cohesion, the political language ensures by means of already generated structures, a global cohesion which we consider to be a partial argument of intertextuality. We intend to demonstrate in our study that all the morph-syntactic classes undergo changes, not necessarily on the structures’ level (which are not re-invented by the wooden language/speech), but on the level of the selection of these structures, which support the process of hyper-encoding described by Eco (1982: 350): “where the code provides significations to some minimal expressions, the hyper-encoding regulates the meaning of the macroscopic series.” The class of the verb generates such an inventory of catachrestical expressions, in Eco’s assertion (1982: 350), out of which the utilizer extracts units of expression which become, due to intertextuality, marks of a particular usage of language, potential marks of a textual typology.
Key words:cohesion, political language, intertextuality, catachresis, textual typology
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 5

11Paula GherasimSemiotica modalităților
O analiză contrastivă româno-franceză
Casa Editorială „Demiurg”1997
34Françoise ThomLimba de lemnHumanitas1993; 2005
44Maria Manoliu-ManeaGramatică, pragmasemantică și discursLitera1993
38Umberto EcoTratat de semiotică generalăEditura Științifică și Enciclopedică1982
19Dumitru IrimiaStructura gramaticală a limbii române

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