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Schimbările în limbă din perspectivă diacronică

Publication: Philologia, LII (3-4), p. 94
Publisher:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of linguistic change by providing numerous examples. There is also an attempt to show and reveal how this concept appeared and was interpreted by different linguists. The author will also discuss its causes, peculiarities and distinguishing features.
Eugen Coseriu places himself at the top of the researchers with his work Synchrony, Diachrony and History. The problems of linguistics change. The basic assumption is that language changes cannot be explained on the level of the langue. Coseriu refers to Humboldt, Hegel and Aristotle, adopting from Humboldt the distinction between energeia and ergon, which goes back to Aristotle, and from Hegel the view of man as a historical being by means of language. Language changes basically depend on the description of speech and the facts presented by the the speakers’ activity.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

128Ferdinand de SaussureCurs de lingvistică generalăEditura Polirom1998
199Ion Gheție (coord.)Istoria limbii române literare
Epoca veche (1532–1780)
Editura Academiei1997
22Alexandru Graur, Lucia WaldScurtă istorie a lingvisticiiEditura Didactică și Pedagogică1961; 1965; 1977
66Antoine MeilletLinguistique historique et linguistique généraleChampion/Slatkine1912, 1921; 1982

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