In his discourses, Hugo Chávez uses modal expressions to build (and to maintain) the image of a strong and self-confident socialist leader. Even if the epistemic modality can express a whole range of nuances regarding the speaker’s commitment to the information presented in the message, the former president of Venezuela “chooses” only those expressions which show his certainty, rejecting and even censuring any mark of possibility or hesitation, and urging the auditory to do the same as he. The frequent use of modal verbs (as “poder”) in plural exhibits the solidarity between the speaker and the auditory, not only in what refers to positive expectations (dynamic modality), but also in negative, prohibitive structures (deontic modality). The link between the modality and the imaginary is due to the use of evidencials (belonging to the epistemic modality) which indicates the source of information – through quotes of politicians or poets. These personalities are introduced in the discourse to validate the ideas presented by the speaker, as they established moral values in the consciousness and memory of the community, constantly updated through rhetorical strategies, as repetition. The social imaginary recalled in the Venezuelan leader’s discourse is based on the ideology of a national almost legendary figure – Simón Bolívar - which is supposed to last in the mindset of present and future generations.
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Journal “Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frequency: 2 issues / year