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Modernizarea definiţiilor lexicografice

Publication: Limba română, LXI (2), Section Lexicografie, p. 251-261
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:In the article I have dealt with a few aspects of the exaggeratedly conservatory manner, one that is insufficiently synchronized with contemporary foreign lexicography, in which certain definitions are given in academical dictionaries, stemming from the desire to respect their traditional structure. The modern lexicographical definition tends to respect the canons of logic, especially since numerous computer applications require the establishing of corresponding points between them and the natural languages. I started from enumerating the principles of defining words according to the canons of logic, as outlined by Anton Dumitriu, and from the arguments regarding analytical reasonings in the studies of E. Vasiliu, in order to explain the manner in which the definitions in academical dictionaries do not respect these principles and thus become obscure or unclear. I have also considered a few definitions that appear in foreign dictionaries and are outstanding due to their conciseness and exactness. Finally I have included a short discussion on certain stereotypical formulas which affect the principle of the economy of communication through their lack of information, as well as some aspects concerning the way in which academical dictionaries treat figurative senses. It is to be desired that the maintaining of the aspect and traditional format of academical dictionaries should not hinder their adaptation to the requirements of modern lexicography.
Key words:
  • principii logice ale definiţiei, judecată analitică, economia comunicării
  • logical principles of definition, analytical reasoning, economy of communication
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 5

3Cătălina MărănducConsemnarea în dicţionare a adjectivelor româneşti provenite din participii verbale LR, LVI (4), 3502007html
2Laura VasiliuDerivatele sufixale: sens și definițieSCL, XXXVII (2), 1461986
2Emanuel VasiliuAdevăr analitic și definiție lexicograficăAUI, XXVIII-XXIX, 1831982-1983
3Emanuel VasiliuSens și definiție lexicograficăSCL, XXXI (5), 6311980
87Ion Coteanu (coord.)Limba română contemporanăEditura Didactică și Pedagogică1974; 1985

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