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Aspecte lingvistice şi socio-lingvistice ale comunicării în spaţiul virtual: Chatul

Publication: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, 8 (1), p. 199-205
Publisher:Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”
Place:Alba Iulia
Abstract:[Linguistic and socio-linguistic aspects of communication in cyberspace: chat services]
There is certainly a typical language of the chat, which resembles in many ways to the professional jargons, being inaccessible to the uninitiated. Frequent users of the chat are the teenagers and for them, the chat works like a kind of autonomous linguistic code with its own norms. These are self-imposed, memorized and respected by all the new users who wish to be accepted by experienced users. If one does not learn this code (chat polite rules, the insufficient knowledge of a common language, the tendency of misrepresenting one’s own identity) quickly enough, she/he may be rejected. Experienced chatters are usually willing to offer to the newcomers the specific chat metalanguage.
Key words:chat; jargons; linguistic; teenagers
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 0

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