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Homonymy and Derivation. A Few Outlines

Publication: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, II (1-2), p. 97
Publisher:Editura Sitech
  • The article aims to highlight the fact that derivation, considered under different forms, represents an important source for homonymy. This phenomenon may imply the casual formal identity of two words (one inherited or borrowed and the other derived in the Romanian language), but also the homonymy of the roots or of affixes. On the other hand, we should not ignore the semantic differences between homonymous lexical units with a common root.
  • L’article se propose de souligner l’idée que la dérivation, manifestée sous différentes formes, représente une source importante de l’homonymie. Le phénomène peut impliquer l’identité formelle accidentelle de deux mots (un mot hérité ou emprunté et un mot dérivé en roumain), mais aussi l’homonymie des radicaux ou des affixes. D’autre part, il ne faut pas non plus ignorer les distinctions sémantiques entre les unités lexicales homonymes qui ont un radical commun.
Key words:
  • semantics, homonymy, derivation, polysemy, paronymy
  • homonymie, dérivation, sémantique, polysémie, paronymie
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

14Nicolae FelecanVocabularul limbii româneEditura Mega, Presa Universitară Clujeană2004
52Petru ZugunLexicologia limbii româneEditura Tehnopress2000
41Vasile FrățilăContribuții lingvisticeEditura de Vest1993
47Vasile Șerban, Ivan EvseevVocabularul românesc contemporan
Schiță de sistem
Editura Facla1978

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