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Boundaries of Acceptability or a aplica pentru o slujbă (Applying for a Job)

Publication: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, I (1-2), p. 43
Publisher:Editura Sitech
Abstract:The aim of the current paper is to approach some Romanian words which make possible a discussion about nuances. A particular phrase (applying for a job) has attracted our attention due to the fact it is frequently used in oral discourses and also in different forms of the written media, but it is not listed in the Romanian dictionaries. If the noun job could be considered adapted, there being no hesitation regarding its association with one gender class or in indicating a plural form and the verb to apply could be adopted with the English meaning, in the case of registering a new synonym for the word place (Rom. loc) the label would be possible acceptance.
Key words:shades, adaptation, adoption, acceptance, linguistic inquisitiveness
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 4

19Mioara AvramStudii de sintaxă a limbii româneEditura Academiei2007
42Gligor GruițăModa lingvistică
Norma, uzul și abuzul
Paralela 452006; 2011
59Valeria Guțu RomaloAspecte ale evoluției limbii româneHumanitas Educațional2005
2Valeria Guțu RomaloAbaterea lingvisticăLR, X (6), 5281961

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