Title: | În jurul conceptelor de gramaticalizare şi de pragmaticalizare |
Author: | Constantin-Ioan Mladin |
Publication: | Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, 10, p. 254-264 |
p-ISSN: | 1582-5523 |
Publisher: | Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” |
Place: | Alba Iulia |
Year: | 2009 |
Abstract: | This paper is part of a bigger research study on two relatively recent theories in the field of modern linguistics which refer to two specific evolutionary forms of categorization, namely grammaticalness, and a more recent one pragmaticalness. The general meaning of the term grammaticalness, introduced in 1912 by Antoine Meillet refers to a one direction process which enables an item (term or phrase), whose syntax is established combined with another item, to achieve a grammatical status (thus becoming a grammatical unit, a morpheme) and thus, to enter the grammar system of oppositions. The concept of pragmaticalness (Erman & Kostsinas 1993) is a problem of evolution which consists of the change in the category and status that might affect certain lexical or grammatical items that might lose their initial function and might turn diachronically within the phrastic structure into a pragmatic unit (minimal unit of meaning and interaction –Sarfati 1997) having a role on textual and interpersonal plan. The problem case arisen by these concepts of grammaticalness and pragmaticalness does not limit itself just to a problem of concept creating or renewal of terminology, it corresponds to an interpretation from a pragmatic point of view of language history. The paper refers to the complex relationships which maintain lexicalization, grammaticalness and pragmaticalness. |
Key words: | grammaticalness; lexicalization; polygrammaticalness; pragmaticalness; regrammaticalness; degrammaticalness |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | html |
Citations to this publication: 4
2 | Monica Ardeleanu Gomoescu | Stadiul de pragmaticalizare a marcatorilor pragmatici de suspendare a enunțării în limba română vorbită | Perspective, 77 | 2016 | |
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41 | Daiana Felecan | Pragmatica numelui și a numirii neconvenționale De la paradigme teoretice la practici discursive | Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut | 2014 | |
1 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 53, 2010). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2010 | LR, LX (3), 307-453 | 2011 | pdf html |
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