Title: | Power and politeness in political discourse. Analysing humorous and ironic comments in a Romanian parliamentary debate |
Author: | Stanca Măda |
Publication: | Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies, 12 (2), Section Language studies, p. 35-60 |
p-ISSN: | 2066-768X |
e-ISSN: | 2066-7698 |
Publisher: | Transilvania University Press |
Place: | Brașov |
Year: | 2019 |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 1
0 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 62, 2019). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2019 | LR, LXIX (2), 177-336 | 2020 |
References in this publication: 2
2 | Liliana Hoinărescu | Construction of identity and the rhetoric of lying in Romanian political discourse | LD, 5 (1), 23-44 | 2015 | |
1 | Răzvan Săftoiu | Split voices in political discourse | LD, 5 (3), 430-448 | 2015 |
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