Title: | Demonicul de factură populară în opera lui Ion Creangă şi a lui I. L. Caragiale |
Author: | Adela Drăucean |
Publication: | Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 11, p. 114 |
p-ISSN: | 1582-9960 |
Publisher: | Universitatea Petru Maior |
Place: | Târgu Mureș |
Year: | 2011 |
Abstract: | “The after-world” is a world of “spirits” according to popular beliefs, acting in the universe, but especially upon the mortals. Demons belong to this world of spirits, usually antagonizing the celestial divinity. These malefic spirits gave birth to a series of myths that became an inexhaustible source of inspiration for literature. That explains why demons are no longer those terrifying ghosts but are rather inferior to or allied with man. Both Creangă and Caragiale depicted the folk mentality in their narratives with spirits form the underworld. |
Key words: | devil, demon, Aghiuţă, grotesque, folk vision |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 0
References in this publication: 1
21 | Tudor Pamfile | Mitologia poporului român 2 vol. | Vestala | 2006; 2008 |
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