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Genitivul cu prepoziţia de în limba română. O perspectivă diacronică şi funcţională

Publication: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXVII (2), p. 227-256
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:[De genitive in Romanian. A diachronic and functional perspective]
The article examines de genitive occurences in Romanian, from a diachronic and functional (discursive-pragmatic) perspective. Different linguistic structures have been inventoried and analysed, in order to grasp their discursive restrictions and functional patterns manifested across the centuries. Special atention is given to the cyclic recurrence of this linguistic structure. The empirical data are provided by a heterogenous corpus made up of old and modern texts, popular and oral transcribed texts, as well as exemples taken from online press.

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 0

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