Title: | “Une et indivisible”: Variation and Ideology in the Historiography and History of French |
Author: | David Trotter |
Publication: | Revue roumaine de linguistique, LI (2), p. 359-376 |
p-ISSN: | 0035-3957 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | București |
Year: | 2006 |
Abstract: | This article is an attempt to deal with a central paradox in the history of French. That paradox may be simply stated: there is abundant evidence throughout the history of the language, from the earliest documents to the present day, of extensive, deep-seated, and persistent variation. Yet the official historiography of French emphasizes, and has always emphasized, the unity, consistency, and absence of variation of what is normally referred to (in a revealing use of the singular) as “the French language”. This article aims to explore further this paradox, to offer an explanation of why it exists, and to show how and why it is both scientifically inaccurate and ideologically motivated. |
Language: | English |
Links: | pdf html |
Citations to this publication: 1
1 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 50, 2007). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2007 | LR, LVII (3), 241-416 | 2008 |
References in this publication: 2
170 | Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke | Romanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch 3. vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage | Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung | 1935 | |
165 | Alfred Ernout, Antoine Meillet | Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine Histoire des mots | Klincksieck | 1932; 1939; 1951; 2001 |
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