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Nicknames of Romanian Politicians after 1989

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, XII (2), p. 191-207
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:Due to the ever-increasing relaxation of strategies of address in post–1989 Romanian public space, one can notice the transfer of colloquial means of addressing/ identifying referents from the register of informal communication to the sphere of formal communication.
As opposed to actual, conventional proper names, which, as linguistic signs, are arbitrary in relation to a signifier’s “mental impression” (i.e. the signified), nicknames are not merely extralinguistically motivated, but also semantically anchored in the histories that generate these verbal tags. Concretely, we will prove that nicknames are proper names that are likely to develop a significational dimension. The understanding of a nickname is not limited to the level of language (as a system); its (correct) interpretation is properly carried out only with reference to the pragmatic level (of speech).
Key words:nicknames, political discourse, pragmalinguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 4

References in this publication: 5

41Daiana FelecanPragmatica numelui și a numirii neconvenționale
De la paradigme teoretice la practici discursive
Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut2014
21Daiana FelecanAspecte ale polifoniei lingvistice
Teorie și construcție
Editura Tritonic; Editura Mega2010; 2011
2Domnița TomescuOnomasticizarea – subtip al conversiunii lexico-gramaticaleDindelegan2007
13Silvia SăvulescuRetorică şi teoria argumentăriiComunicare.RO2004
136Alexandru GraurNume de persoaneEditura Științifică1965

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