“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)

Peculiarities of Adverbs of Degree and Adverbial Comparison

Publication: Studii de gramatică contrastivă, 24, p. 7-12
Publisher:Universitatea din Pitești
  • Heterogeneity of the adverb class has generated a number of confusing ideas. This heterogeneity is best reflected in the relation between the adverb and other parts of speech. The present study is a thorough analysis of adverbial class elements falling under the grammatical category of comparison. Although the number of adverbs is small in the old language, contemporary language has a large number of adverbs of manner derived from adjectives, whose compatibility with the degrees of comparison is increasingly high.
  • L’hétérogénéité de la classe de l’adverbe en anglais ne cesse de générer des idées confuses. Cette hétérogénéité se réflète le mieux dans la relation de l’adverbe avec d’autres classes grammaticales. Cette étude tente de faire une analyse des éléments adverbiaux de comparaison. Bien que le nombre d’adverbes soit assez réduit en anglais ancien, la langue contemporaine présente un beaucoup d’adverbes de manière ayant à la base des adjectifs dont la compatibilité avec les degrés de comparaison est elevée.
Key words:
  • heterogeneity, comparison, compatibility
  • hétérogénéité, comparaison, compatiblité
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 3

46Gabriela Pană DindeleganSintaxă și semantică
Clase de cuvinte și forme gramaticale cu dublă natură
Tipografia Universității din București1992
74Georgeta CiompecMorfosintaxa adverbului românesc
Sincronie și diacronie
Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică1985
33Maria Manoliu-ManeaSistematica substitutelor din româna contemporană standardEditura Academiei1968

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