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Verba dicendi care desemnează intensitatea vocii, în latină şi în română

Publication: Analele Universității din București. Limba și literatura română, LXII
Publisher:Editura Universității din Bucureşti
Abstract:In this paper, we analyze a group of verbs of saying which designate the intensity of voice, making a comparison between Latin and Romanian. We are interested in the way the two languages organize this lexical-semantic subclass. In Latin, the subclass analyzed is larger than in Romanian, due to composition with pre-verbs, particles attached to verbs in order to express different nuances of the original meaning or to enforce the primary verbs. The process of developing metaphorical meanings for expressing the idea of ‘saying in low/high intensity’ are quite similar in Latin and Romanian. A source of verbs that permit this transfer of meaning are verbs referring to animal sound. This contributes to the expressivity of the subclass.
Key words:verba dicendi; intensity of voice; low intensity; high intensity; figurative development of meaning
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 0

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