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Verb-Initial Orders in Old Romance: A Comparative Account

Publication: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LX (2-3), p. 147-172
Variation syntaxique / Syntactic Variation
Edited by Jenneke van der Wal, Adina Dragomirescu and Alexandru Nicolae
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:Against the backdrop of controversy over the correct analysis of Old Romance clausal structure, this article presents a comparative typology of the V1 orders found within seven Old Romance texts. Evidence is presented that all the languages under consideration feature V-to-CFin movement and are thus types of verb-second (V2) grammar. The languages present a pattern of rich microvariation with regard to V1 phenomena however. The Old Sicilian, Old Occitan and Old Venetian varieties considered are argued to present widespread V1 which is employed as a discourse- marked word order alternative. In the later Old Spanish text presented V1 is attested as a marked word order, but is exceptionally rare. Old Sardinian contrasts with the other varieties is licensing generalised V1, derived via V-to-CFin movement. Later Old French makes use of the initial particle SI, in cases where the other varieties license V1 orders.
Key words:Old Romance, V1 order, V2 grammar, V-movement
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 3

References in this publication: 1

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