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Gender in Arabic. From a Language Planning Perspective

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XVII (2), p. 245-264
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:This sociolinguistic study aims to identify the extent to which speakers of Arabic in Jordan are aware of the incongruence of masculine titles used to address females and their willingness to use feminine titles appropriately. To achieve these goals, the researchers developed and distributed a twopart questionnaire in three cities in Jordan: Amman, Irbid, and Mafraq. The first part includes independent variables (sex, age, educational level, place of residence, and occupation). The second part, which consists of 26 items, is a five–point Lickert scalemeasuring awareness of the incongruence of the masculine titles used to address females, and willingness to use feminine titles appropriately.
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 0

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