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Nouveaux regards sur les genres de la presse écrite. Des critères pour une typologie opérationnelle

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XVII (2), p. 131-141
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:This paper presents the theoretical background and working hypotheses of a study on the genera of French and Romanian general-interest press. Based on research conducted by the French School of Discourse Analysis and on communicative and linguistic analysis of journalistic text, we start by approaching the difficulty of defining the print media genus and of setting up a unitary typology. We subsequently put forward the idea of complementarity between the pragmaticdiscoursive perspective and the textual and enunciative one, in choosing pertinent criteria for the study of print media. In the end, we suggest a draft of operational typology useful for the analysis of generic construction of media events. We also present some examples of cross-cultural variations and introduce the definitional criteria of media genus.
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 2

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