Title: | Les anglicismes en français montréalais |
Author: | Edelina Cîmpianu |
Publication: | Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Secțiunea IIIe. Lingvistică, LVI, Section Masă rotundă: L’emprunt à l’anglais en roumain et français: nécessité et/ou mode?, p. 127-138 |
p-ISSN: | 1221-8448 |
Publisher: | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” |
Place: | Iași |
Year: | 2010 |
Abstract: | We have set ourselves the goal to establish a typology of specific Anglicisms of the Quebec French starting from a sample of Montreal French by means of examples taken from newspaper articles and the writings of certain Montreal authors. The analysis of our text corpus is meant to verify, through the use of dictionaries that confirm or deny the existence of a French correspondent, which is the frequency of the necessary linguistic borrowings made with respect to the ones that represent a concession to fashion. We will eventually see which one is predominant in Quebec French in comparison with Hexagonal French. |
Language: | French |
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