Title: | Julia[n] Schuttings Arbeit am Text. Schuttings Reflexion über Form und sein Sprachmanierismus |
Author: | Alexandra Chiriac |
Publication: | Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași. Secțiunea IIIe. Lingvistică, LVII, Section Stilistică, poetică, lingvistica textului, p. 131-141 |
p-ISSN: | 1221-8448 |
Publisher: | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” |
Place: | Iași |
Year: | 2011 |
Abstract: | Julian/Jutta Schutting, as a self-conscious author, illustrates a new kind of confrontation with the literary activity, regarded as a common and democratic act of creation, performed both by the writer as well as by the reader, thus revealing and connecting the multitude of associative meanings of the literary artifact. Schutting’s works highlight the continuous process of reflection and self-reflection over his own writing and over the literary canon. The end-point is the liberation act from the constraints of realism and a liberation act of the readership from the naivety of association. The result is a work that seems “durchkomponiert” [overcomposed], which brings out a surrealistic dimension of the construction and implies an objectivity note of the poetical “reality”. His technique has two components, namely on the one side a fixation on the emotional self-control and on the other side on the perception of every detail of the everyday life, which has been transformed in a complex, but private system of signs. Schutting’s texts illustrate a negation of the realism: the narration flows beyond the exterior world in a self-referential inner space, from which the reader learns to decode the pictures and structures created through language. His inner struggle becomes evident also at the level of style, whereby the subject appears almost always depersonalized und the relation between significant and signifié is subdued to an extreme process of relativization. |
Key words: | Manierismus, Text als Artefakt, Poetik der Objektivierung, grammatikalische Reduktion, textinterne Referentialität, Ritualisierung der Sprache |
Language: | German |
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