Title: | El «chivo» como símbolo mítico-religioso en La Fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas Llosa |
Author: | Alina Ţiţei |
Publication: | Text şi discurs religios, III, Section Literatura și sacrul, p. 477-486 |
p-ISSN: | 2066-4818 |
e-ISSN: | 2393-3402 |
Publisher: | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” |
Place: | Iași |
Year: | 2011 |
Abstract: | The goat is a symbolic animal which bears multiple mythological and religious connotations. Consecrated to Dionysus in ancienGreece, the goat stands for lasciviousness, lust and unbridled sexuality. For the Israelites it was the propitiatory beast - the scapegoat - abandoned in the desert carrying the sins of the people. In Medieval iconography the goat's horns and feet were the attributes of the devil; moreover, it was the obscene saddle of witches. The present article intends to meet these significations in the analysis of the dictatorial figure of Mario Vargas Llosa's novel, Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, suggestively dubbed the Goat, and to establish a series of symbolic analogies between the negative characteristics of the demonic creature and the idiosyncrasy of the Caribbean tyrant from the triple perspective of mythology, anthropology and religion. |
Language: | Spanish |
Links: | pdf html |
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